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Located in Spring Creek 

TDC Athletics
249 Parkchester DrivE
Spring Creek, NV

Our Spring Creek facility offers a state-of-the-art power tumbling gym and two dance studios. 


The power tumbling gym is over 5,500 square feet with top of the line tumbling equipment.


This includes: a 1,200 square foot spring floor, 84 ft. rod floors, 2 double-mini trampolines and landing gear, A climbing rope, a 50' Tumble Track, a foam pit, and 2 U.S. string bed trampolines (above ground). 


The two dance floors (Studio A: 900 Sq. Ft. and Studio B: 1,100 Sq. Ft.) are also built using the highest grade materials including a spring flooring system to help absorb and propel dancers to prevent injury and build skill.


The Full length mirrors allow students to see themselves as they are dancing and display proper form. 


each studio also uses high quality sound systems that enable our dance teachers to easily control the tempo and volume of their music. 







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